Basic Uniform and Equipment Items 
Basic Uniform and Equipment Items
Advanced Uniform and Equipment Items
Optional items
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Basic Uniform Items These are the basics you need to get into reenacting.
M-41 Field jacket - An original or approved repro.   Buttons should be the correct brown or olive color.

OD Wool Shirt - Original or approved repro.   

Third Army Patch - To be worn on all shirts and jackets.

OD Wool Trousers - Original or approved repro.   Mustard shade is preferred

Trouser Belt - Original or approved repro with open faced buckle

White Undershirt- Brown T-shirts are not allowed

OD Padded Boot Socks

Cap Toe Service Shoes - Original or approved repro. Leggings must be worn with cap toed shoes.

M1938 Dismounted Leggings - Original or approved repro, khaki colored examples preferred.  To be worn with the Cap Toed and Rough Out shoes.

Mohair Tie- We are in Patton's Army

Wool "Jeep" Cap - Original or approved repro in correct shade of OD (not green) wool.

OD Wool Overseas Cap - Original or approved repro in correct OD wool.  With Orange and white piping for Signal Corps.

Unit Crest(3)- Battalion Insignia worn on the overseas cap and service tunic

Basic Equipment Items

M1923 Cartridge Belt - Original or approved repro.   Khaki colored preferred.

M1928 Haversack - Original or repro with meat can pouch.

M1910 or M1942 First Aid Pouch - Original or repro khaki colored preferred.

M1910 Canteen cover - Original or repro khaki colored examples only.

M1910 Canteen and Cup - Original with wartime dates.

M1910 E-Tool w/Cover - Original or approved repro "T" handled shovel w/khaki cover.

CS-34 Linesman Pouch With Tools- Original or approved repro TL29 knife and TL13A Pliers

Lightweight Gas Mask Bag - With or without mask.  Original khaki, OD, or OD and Khaki transitional.

M1 Steel Helmet w/Liner - Original or approved repro only.  Helmet must be the correct color and have split in rim located in the front.  Fixed bales are preferred over flexible, but flexible are allowed.  Straps must be khaki in color and sewn onto the bales.  Liner must be of WW2 vintage and have khaki colored HBT suspension and leather chin strap.

Helmet Net - the 3/4-inch net is preferred, but other types of net are acceptable.

Bayonet - Original 10 inch bayonet, new or cut down manufacture with M7 plastic scabbard.  16-inch M1910 or M1942 Bayonets are also acceptable

M1940 Identification Tags (Dog Tags) - Original or approved repro notched tags with chains.  With correct WW2 information in the following format:
Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial
Serial Number (8 digits) Blood type (A, B, O, or AB)
                                 Religious Preference (P, C, or J)

Shelter Half - Original Khaki colored shelter half with either open or closed end.  No snaps allowed, only buttons

Shelter Half Pins and Pole - 5 original or approved repro wooden pegs, 1 original folding tent pole and guy line.

Mess Kit - Original M1926 mess kit with knife, fork, and spoon. War dated only

OD Wool Blankets (2) - Original, approved repro, or approved post war.

Rifle Cleaning Kit- Original appropriate to your weapon.

Basic Manuals

FM 21-100 - Basic Soldiers Manual

FM 24-5- Signal Communications

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