Our Bylaws 
Our Bylaws
Article I. Organization
Section 1.01 Name
(A) This organization will be known as the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors or as 33rd SCB in abbreviated form (hereinafter the club).
Section 1.02 Formation
(A) This organization will be formed as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization. It will not sustain as an income bearing entity to any member.
Section 1.03 Term
(A) This organization will begin on 30 October 2001 and shall continue until December 31st of the same year and thereafter from year to year unless earlier terminated as hereinafter provided.
Section 1.04 Mission Statement
(A) The mission of the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors is to educate the public at large on the contributions of the Signal Corps and especially the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion. This is accomplished through living histories, tacticals, lectures, and other demonstrations via donations of equipment and moneys, and use of personal collections. At these events, the members of the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors will accurately portray members of the United States Army Signal Corps of that era.
Section 1.05 Management
(A) Each member in good standing with voting privileges shall participate in the management of the club.
Section 1.06 Dissolution of Club
(A) The members in good standing may end the club's existence by a 2/3 majority vote.
(B) Written notice of the meeting where dissolution of the club is being considered shall include a specific reference to this matter.
(C) The club's existence will terminate upon a majority vote of all members in good standing.
(D) Written notice of the decision to dissolve the club shall be given to all members in good standing.
(E) All equipment owned by the club will be sold off for fair market value with members in good standing being offered first chance for the item(s).
(1) If more then one member in good standing wishes to purchase an item, then an auction will be held.
(F) Payment shall then be made of all liabilities of the partnership.
(G) Any moneys left in the club will be donated to a veterans organization.
(H) This is voted on at the meeting to dissolve the club by the members in good standing.
Article II. Meetings
Section 2.01 Parliamentary guide
(A) All meetings will be conducted, except as provided, by "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised."
(B) Order of Business
(1) Call to Order
(2) Officer Roll Call
(3) Reading of minutes
(4) Treasurer report
(5) Committee reports
(6) Old business
(7) New Business
(8) Adjournment
Section 2.02 Quorum
(A) A quorum is determined to be 2/3 of membership in good standing.
Section 2.03 Annual Meetings
(A) There will be one mandatory meeting annually. The meeting date will be set during The Battle of the Bulge, Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA each year unless the Executive Board determines otherwise.
Section 2.04 Amendments to Bylaws
(A) Amendments to the bylaws can be made at either the annual meeting or any scheduled meeting.
(B) Any proposed amendments must be made within 60 days of the meeting.
(1) Must be in writing.
(C) Included in the newsletter and/or separate mailing within ten business days of the voting.
(D) Voting Process
(1) A vote to amend the club's bylaws will be held as a ballot vote.
(2) The treasurer and secretary shall determine if a quorum exists between attending members and absentee ballots.
(3) Treasurer and Secretary will individually count all absentee ballots.
a) Absentee ballots
1) Received via
i) Email
ii) Mail
iii) Signed proxy
2) Must be received within two weeks of mailing.
(4) For an amendment to pass, all members in good standing must positively cast a 2/3 vote.
(5) If a bylaw is added, removed, or amended, no other alterations can be made to it for six months from the date of voting.
(6) The following newsletter will include any amendment to the bylaws.
Article III. Membership
Section 3.01 Good standing
(A) A member is considered in good standing if they are compliant with the club's bylaws and their dues are current.
Section 3.02 Probation
(A) A member has successfully pass his probation period
(1) The member has been with the unit for one calendar year or has attended four reenactment events.
Section 3.03 Dues
(A) Dues mature at the annual meeting of each year.
(B) Upon successful completion of his application, unit dues will be paid.
(1) Dues paid before June, are good till the annual meeting. Dues paid after June are good till January of the following year.
(C) Unpaid members are carried for two months until March 1st and then they are dropped from the muster rolls, losing membership status.
(1) The club officers may vote a special proviso on if a member is having
financial difficulty.
(2) This proviso will permit that member to retain membership in the club
without voting privileges.
a) The special proviso will not be extended past the current year.
Section 3.04 Sponsoring
(A) Each new member will be assigned a Sponsor
(B) Sponsor responsibilities
(1) Ensure that the new member is informed of all club practices, rules, and conduct.
(2) Provide a copy of the most recent newsletter, roster, and bylaws.
(3) Assist the new member in acquiring an accurate impression by educating them on what is appropriate apparel and equipment
(4) Introduce them to any members that they may not have met yet.
(5) Ensure that the new member is well taken care
(6) Answer any questions
(7) Fosters club pride and instill a positive attitude towards the hobby
(8) Makes sure that the Sergeant at Arms has reviewed the new member before they handle firearms, no matter how proficient they may be.
(9) Educate the new member that they have up to one year to complete their initial uniform kit.
(10) Educate the new member that if the impression warrants a firearm, an additional year is granted to obtain the firearm due to the high expense.
(11) While each new member is assigned a sponsor, it is every club members’ duty to make sure that the new member feels welcomed, does not have any questions, and develops an accurate impression
(C) Member Responsibility
(D) Each member is responsible for the authenticity and safety of the unit. Each member is charged with keeping our "impressions accurate and safe."
(1) For instance, if a member should notice something that is not authentic (hereinafter farb) (i.e. plastic cooler in view) or unsafe (i.e. dirty weapon) they may;
a) Point it out to the individual in question or
b) Report it to a member of the Executive Board.
(2) Constructive and positive criticism only – we are all friends
(E) While each new member is assigned a sponsor, it is every club members’ duty to make sure that the new member feels welcomed, does not have any questions, and develops an accurate impression.
(F) Each member is responsible for the recruitment of new members and events.
(G) Members may be asked to coordinate an event to assist the executive committee.
(H) The club recognizes that every member and officer has responsibilities such as work and family outside of the club. Therefore, it is unreasonable to expect perfect attendance at every meeting and event.
Section 3.05 Removal of a member
(A) Continued warning for unsafe practices and/or Forbidden Acts (See Article IX Forbidden Acts, Section 9.06) by a member will result in expulsion from the club.
(B) Any member may be removed for by an agreement of the members in good standing.
(C) All dues are forfeited.
(D) Written notice of a meeting where removal of a member to be considered shall include a specific reference to this matter.
Article IV. Government, Officers & Positions
Section 4.01 Government
(A) Officers (hereinafter the Executive Board) will govern the business direction of the club.
Section 4.02 Officers term
(A) The Officers term last one year, annual meeting to annual meeting the following year.
(B) At the end of the term, all officers will return all club material, books, papers, and other possessions to their successors.
Section 4.03 Officer Attendance
(A) All officers are required to attend as many meetings as reasonably possible.
(1) The club recognizes that every member and officer has responsibilities such as work and family outside of the club. Therefore, it is unreasonable to expect perfect attendance at every meeting and event.
Section 4.04 Elections
(A) Nominations are to be made by January 1st.
(B) Elections will be held at the annual meeting.
(C) An intention of running will be held in the first newsletter of the year,
(1) Published at least one month before general elections are held.
(2) Contain slate of candidates
(D) Only members in good standing for one year can run for office.
Section 4.05 Responsibilities of Officers
Office Responsibilities
President The president's duties are to set meeting locations and dates, and run meetings according to Robert's Rules of Order. In addition, the president may appoint special and standing committees and positions, and perform other duties that the club may direct. This position can issue warnings to members as outlined elsewhere in the bylaws.
Vice-president The vice-president's duties are to assist the president in the functioning of the club. In incapacitation or absence of the president, the vice president's duties are to set meeting locations and dates, and run meetings according to Robert's rules of order. This position can issue warnings to members as outlined elsewhere in the bylaws.
Treasurer The Treasurer's duties are to keep financial records of the club, such as expenses, deposits, withdrawals, et cetera. The treasurer will supply the newsletter editor with a report of the club's fund for each newsletter in a timely fashion. The report will include, but will not be limited to deposits withdrawals, interest earned, et cetera. In addition, the treasurer shall keep accurate tax records and be responsible for tax filing with the government. The Treasurer, with any needed assistance from other officers or club members, will determine the value of the club. This position can issue warnings to members as outlined elsewhere in the bylaws.
Secretary The Secretary's duties are to keep accurate and impartial minutes of meetings. The Secretary will also submit an agenda to the newsletter editor for each of the two general meetings, and other meetings. Furthermore, the secretary shall handle all written club communication. The secretary will keep an active roster on all members, providing this roster to the newsletter editor. In addition, the secretary will keep in accurate list of club equipment. This position can issue warnings to members as outlined elsewhere in the bylaws.
Sergeant at Arms The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for keeping order at meetings and will help ensure the safety of members at events. This position will inspect all firearms and ammunition at every event, regardless if the event is a living history or tactical. This position will not inspect vehicles for safety. That is left up to the owner of the vehicle. This position will then educate the officers of any unsafe firearms or situations. This position can issue warnings to members as outlined elsewhere in the bylaws.
Section 4.06 Positions
(A) Newsletter Editor
(1) The newsletter editor is responsible for the content and layout of the club's newsletter Wirehead. The editor has the discretion of editing for readability and content.
(B) The executive board will appoint other positions on a as needed basis.
Article V. Financial Information
Section 5.01 Contributions
(A) Members may make as many contributions above the annual dues and initial membership fees that they would like. However, moneys contributed cannot be applied toward any "ownership" in or of the club. All members in good standing are equal members.
Section 5.02 Value
(A) The value of the club is considered to be all moneys in club accounts and fair market value of all clubs’ owned equipment (such as tents, firearms, et cetera), less the current value of all liabilities. Value is computed for insurance purposes.
Section 5.03 No compensation
(A) No member shall be compensated for services rendered to the club, except for reimbursement of expenses.
Section 5.04 Accounting
(A) A book of accounts will be kept and made available to any member in good standing.
Section 5.05 Bank account
(A) The club will establish a checking account. All moneys collected will be placed into this account.
(B) If needed, the Executive Board may establish other accounts if it is in the best interest of the club.
Section 5.06 Withdrawals
(A) Amounts less than $25.00: Any withdrawals for amounts less than $25.00 will need the signature of the treasurer and either the president, vice president or secretary's signature.
(B) Amounts from $25.01 to $100.00: Any withdrawals for $25.01 to $100.00 will need the signature of the treasurer and either the president, vice president or secretary's signature.
(C) Amounts over $100.00: Withdrawals over $100.00 will need a majority vote of the Executive Board or a quorum.
Section 5.07 Deposits
(A) Any designated officer or club member in good standing can make deposits into the club account(s) but must go through the treasurer.
Article VI. Impressions
Section 6.01 Overall Impressions
(A) Only a United States Army Signal Corps Soldier impression are accepted in the 33rd SCB.
(B) Any new impression, IE Medic, etc. that is not currently being portrayed must:
(1) Show their new impression portrayal for the club
(a) A quorum majority vote must be taken and positively cast.
(C) Membership within other units and clubs are totally acceptable.
Section 6.02 First Person portrayal
(A) A member is permitted to portray a family member or an acquaintance from the W.W.II era.
(B) If the person portrayed is/was in the military, then they are allowed to wear the uniform and documented Ribbons, Awards, and other honors that that individual is/was entitled too up to August, 1945
Section 6.03 Wearing of ribbons, Awards, and other honors
(A) Unless the member is portraying a specific person, no awards, ribbons, or honors for valor are to be worn.
(B) Instead, the uniform should only have such ribbons, awards, and other honors such as the Good Conduct Medal or Marksmanship Awards.
(1) Common sense and good judgment should be used in the wearing of this award.
a) For example, marksmanship badges that look like hamster ladders.
(C) If a member is wearing an award for valor that either they did not personally receive while in active service or if they are not portraying a first person impression, then they will be asked to remove the award immediately. By not doing so, the member risks expulsion from the club. (See Article IX Forbidden Acts, Section 9.06)
(D) At no time is the wearing of the Medal of Honor allowed.
(1) It may be used as part of a display
Section 6.05 Tactical Impressions
(A) At tactical impressions, members will portray the correct uniform and club sanctioned military unit.
Article VII. Clothing, Equipment and Accoutrements
Section 7.01 Authenticity
(A) Members will only use original or museum quality reproductions clothing, equipment, and accoutrements.
(1) If an article of clothing is unavailable either in original or reproduction form, a modern substitute may be used as long as it is approved by the membership.
a) Either must be current accepted items or approved by the club.
(2) No post war items are allowed, unless the club has approved them.
Article VIII. Firearms
Section 8.01 Local, state, and federal laws and regulations
(A) It is the members responsibility to know and adhere to the laws and regulations of local, state, and federal government where events occur.
Section 8.02 Weapon Types
(A) Members are allowed to use automatic weapons, handguns, rifles and carbines, mortars bazookas, et cetera as long as they have the proper authentication, paperwork and adhere to all local, state and federal laws pursuant to such a weapon.
(B) Only weapons of the W.W.II era may be used unless approved by a club vote.
Article IX. Forbidden Acts
For more information, see Article III Membership, Section 3.05 Removal of a Member
Section 9.01 Firearms
(A) No member shall point a firearm (whether toy, real, blank or non-firing) at another individual except during a tactical.
Section 9.02 Bombs, Explosive Devices
(A) No member shall make "home made" bombs from blanks or other material, other than sanctioned by the club for tactical or living history events.
Section 9.03 Cartridge Handling
(A) No member shall throw blank cartridges into a fire.
(B) Using "live" rounds at an event.
(1) There should be no live rounds either new or antique (period).
(C) The Sergeant at Arms, or a designated member, will review cartridges at each event.
Section 9.04 Use of Club Name
(A) No member shall use the club name, credit, or property for other than club purposes.
Section 9.05 Alcohol, Drugs & Illegal narcotics
(A) Excessive alcohol can create an uncomfortable environment and the club has a zero tolerance.
(1) If a member of the Executive Board speaks to a member on three separate occasions, his/her membership may be revoked.
(B) No member shall use narcotics/non-legal substances. The club has a zero tolerance rule.
(1) If a member is in possession of narcotics membership will be revoked.
Section 9.06 Medals and/or Ribbons of valor
(A) No member shall continue to wear medals of valor that they did not personally earn
(B) No member shall continue to wear medals of valor that the person in the first person impression was not awarded.
(C) At no time is the wearing of the Medal of Honor allowed.
(1) It may be used as part of a display
Section 9.07 Detrimental acts
(A) No member shall perform any act detrimental to the interests of the club
Section 9.08 Interfere with mission or purpose
(A) No member will make it impossible for the club to carry on with its mission or purpose.
Section 9.09 Club obligation outside of scope
(A) No member shall have the right or authority to bind or obligate the club to any extent whatsoever concerning any matter outside the scope of the club's purpose.