Unit Update 
January 2004- This month the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Living History Group recieved very bad news. 2nd Plt. Co. A, veteran Chet Shoop pass on. He was a great friend to the organization, and he will always be missed. He may have passed on, but he will live on forever with in the ranks of the 33rd. On a happier note, the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion was tasked with providing a Regimental telephone network at Ft. Indiantown Gap, many said it couldnt be done, however the 33rd proved them wrong. Excellent work Linemen!!

December 2003- The mercury dropped close to freezing, but that didnt stop members of the 33rd Signal from attending the "Hell in the Ardennes" event in Spotslyvania, Va. It was so cold that we ended up having to burn our wood sign, in order to stay warm. The 33rd was responsible for establishing communications for an allied company. It succeeded in this mission and was then instrumental in holding off a German attack. Finally, the resistance became to great and our positions were overrun. Just like the real Bulge. Excellent event!!

November 2003- This month most of the guys spent their time out of the cold and search the net for treasures to add to their collections. Next month, we have a battle tactical in Virginia that alot of us cant wait to get to. Also this month we came into contact with a veteran of 2nd Plt. Co. A 33rd Signal. His name is Clifford "Les" Hoffman and he is a huge asset to the group. The pictures and stories that he provides are priceless. It is because of men like this that we strive for excellence.

October 2003- A very special event happened in October, member Chad Phillips was invited down to New Orleans to attend the first reunion ever held by the veterans of Co. B. 33rd Signal Construction Battalion. The event consisted of 4 days. On the first day a luncheon was held at the National D-Day Museum, this gave the veterans an oppurtunity to restore old friendships and tell stories of years gone by. After the luncheon, everyone had the chance to tour the museum, and what a wonderful museum it is. The rest of the weekend was for sightseeing and touring, and each day ended with a group dinner and times to remember friends and experinces. It was an honor to meet these men, these heroes. And as long as this organization exists, they will never be forgotten.
For pictures of the reunion click on the link below.
September 2003-This September our unit attended the best tactical event on the east coast, Odessa NY. The 33rd Signal Construction Battalion was given the mission of performing a delaying action along a main avenue of approach used by the Germans, we held out for a couple hours, but the opposition was just too much. However, fun was had by all.
The Battle of the Bulge is approaching fast. Get your cold weather gear and dress uniforms ready. If you need a registration form, please click the link below.
August 2003- August was god awful hot, but it didnt stop our members from attending three events. The Cap May Airshow, the Frederick Airshow, and the Lancaster Airshow. All three events were great oppurtunities to talk to the public and hear stories from the vets that braved the heat.
July 2003- July we all we pretty mush busy cleaning the mud off all of our equipment from the Reading Airshow. We will probally find mud from this year, next year when we set up for Reading, other then cleaning and restoring, we have been trying hard to stay out of the heat.
June 2003- This month members found out the usefuless of their WW2 raingear and found that the boots of WW2 arent exactly built for wet weather. Yup, the Reading Airshow turned into a mudfest, it dampened our clothes but not our spirits. It was a rather good experince and gave members a chance to expirence how there equipment worked in the foul weather. The pictures below show the living conditions:
May 2003- This month, members of the 33rd braved a rainstorm and participated in a memorial day parade. If it werent for the veterans, we wouldnt have anything that we have today, so please next time you see a vet....thank him or her.
April 2003- The event on the USS New Jersey was a memorable one, its not everyday that you get to set up a WW2 display on a WW2 battleship. I would like to thank Ms. Marilyn Marks, the daughter of 33rd SCB Veteran Frank Marks for a substantial donation that will be put towards the endeavors of the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Living History Group. Also this month, member Chad Phillips returned from 5 months active duty with the PA Army National Guard.
March 2003- This month has been used mostly to collect and restore period equipment, and to update the website and get some adminstative things done. Also we have been in contact with veterans of the 33rd and have been gathering pictures and information pertaining to their experiences and the history of the Battalion. The next big event for us is the living history display aboard the USS New Jersey.
February 2003- Two more veterans have made contact with us, Mr. Frank Marks, and Mr. Eldon "Ole" Olin, they were original members of Company B, 33rd Signal Construction Battalion and have been sharing some excellent information and photographs. Also this month member Matt Stone returned from active duty after doing some time in Afghanistan with the PA Air National Guard .
January 2003- The Battle of the Bulge has come and gone, and boy did we make our mark!! We fielded three new members and put into operation our message center, which included radios, teletypes, and a phone network. Some of our boys made a dent in the flea market gathering gear for their impressions, and the 33rd made a name for themselves at FTIG.
December 2002- This month was rather slow for us, money was being spent on the holidays and no events were going on. But members have been gearing up for the Battle of the Bulge, and are chomping at the bit. A small training session was held at Camp Quinby, to get a few new members ready for the Bulge. Things are going very well for the group, and its all because of the dedication of the members. Great Job, 33rd.
November 2002- This November we hosted our first USO dance. It was an outstanding success with over 125 people in attendance. The Brass and the Beat was a great band and played all the good hits. Our guest of honor, Mr. Chet Shoop, was a wonderful addition, and it was fantastic to sit down with him and listen to the stories. He is a great asset to our organization. Check out the pictures of our First USO Show. Also this month, we attended a tactical event down in New Windsor, Maryland.
Battle of the Bulge Registrations are due by December 7th, so print them out and send them in. If you dont have one, clink on the link below.
October 2002- October was spent getting things ready for the USO Show in November. We all did a good job of busting our butts selling tickets and advertising the show. As of now, we have 20 members in the group and we are still growing.
Battle of the Bulge Registrations are due by December 7th, so print them out and send them in. If you dont have one, clink on the link below.
If you are interested in purchasing tickets to our USO Show(which is going to have a 16 piece Big Band, Buffet Dinner, Door Prizes, Cash Bar, Talent Show, and plenty of dancing) please contact Julio Santiago at (609)758-8443. Make sure that your uniforms are cleaned and pressed, and prepare to have a really good time.
September 2002- This September our unit attended probally one of the best tactical events on the east coast, Odessa NY. The 33rd Signal Construction Battalion was instrumental in holding the line along Rt. 119, we were also responsible for taking out 3 German armored cars and took part in the defense of Hill 212. The outcome of the event....an excellent experince.
The Battle of the Bulge is approaching fast. Get your cold weather gear ready and your dress uniforms. If you need a registration form, please click the link below.
If you are interested in purchasing tickets to our USO Show(which is going to have a 16 piece Big Band, Buffet Dinner, Door Prizes, Cash Bar, Talent Show, and plenty of dancing) please contact Julio Santiago at (609)758-8443
August 2002- August again was rather slow for the 33rd. We had members attend two events this month. The Veteran's Picnic in Mullica Hills, NJ and we had members attend the Frederick Airshow in Maryland. The picnic was a wonderful experience, alot of veterans, alot of stories and alot of food!! We are also planning on having Unit T-shirts made that will be available for sale to the public at our USO Dance, Dinner and Show. I would like to thank Chris Wallis and Chris Lepore for the work they have done on making up T-shirt designs. Also, Mr. Chet Shoop has been a wonderful aid in accuracy with first hand knowledge and stories.
If you are interested in purchasing tickets to our USO Show(which is going to have a 16 piece Big Band, Buffet Dinner, Door Prizes, Cash Bar, Talent Show, and plenty of dancing) please contact Julio Santiago at (609)758-8443
July 2002- July has been very slow for us due to the fact that many members have been on vacation with their families, had military and work obligations, and just couldn't stand to be out in the July heat. We have received our 501(c)3 status from the IRS and we are working very hard in order to make the USO show and dinner dance a success. Alot of us are spending this down time repairing and refurbishing original equipment to be ready for the several display and tactical events coming in the following months. We also now have a bona fide paramedic in our ranks that is going to portray our combat medic. I think we are doing very well for a unit that is still a baby compared to many others out there.

June 2002- Reading has come and gone, so has the New Egypt Show, and all that has to be said is...Excellent Work. Our efforts at Reading and New Egypt spoke for themselves. Our unit fund has grown due to our fund raising efforts, and three recruits have joined our ranks, which brings our strength up too 17 members. We are planning the USO dance for November, and our trip to Oklahoma, we will also be holding our unit picnic in July. Another great success story for the 33rd SCB Reenactors is that we are in contact with an Original Member of the real 2nd Platoon, Co. A, 33rd Signal Construction Battalion, Mr. Chet Shoop. He has been giving us first hand information and a lot of photographs so that we can assure historical accuracy. Thanks Chet.

May 2002- With the month of May behind us we look at the accomplishments that we have had. We setup an awesome display at the Millville Airshow, and gave a lot of the public a first time glance at a working WW2 encampment, complete with field kitchen, motor pool and CP. Another thing is that the 33rd's Baseball team is growing and we had a little practice at Millville (Check out the Pictures Section). Also this Month we attended the Memorial Day Parade at New Egypt. This is the day we honor the men and women who gave their lives so that we could have the freedom to march freely through the streets and to choose the way we want to live.
If you like your freedom...Thank a Veteran, then sit down and talk to him or her about their experiences and the tragedy and horrors they have seen. They will walk away feeling glad someone wanted to listen, and you will walk away feeling humbled and with a greater appreciation for what you have.
April 2002- The 33rd has been very involved with setting for the big WW2 Weekend in Reading, Pa. Members have attended two work weekends and have worked very hard in order to help make the WWII Weekend a great success. We are also gearing up for the New Egypt Militaria Show which will help raise money for our organization. The website is doing great, and will keep being upgraded as the events go by. You members are making this unit a great thing, just remember a few things, DO IT RIGHT, have fun, and Never forget those who served! Go Signals.

March 2002- March was a rather action filled time for us. We had members attend two tactical events. The tactical in Gettysburg, Pa, and the tactical at Camp Smith, NY. Fun were had by all. The 33rd has a lot going on in the planning mill right now, we have The New Egypt Outdoor Flea Market and Display planned for June 22 and 23, which will include a German and American encampment, military vehicle displays and Militaria vendors. Also on the horizon, is the USO show and dance planned for November. This includes a band, dinner, cash bar, raffles and giveaways. Should be fun for all. I would like to thank member Chris Wallis for helping me type up part of the unit history. Also the website is doing great, almost 1800 hits since October. In the words of our Medic, "Doc" Stone,...."ROCK ON 33rd."

February 2002- The month of February has been slow but productive for the 33rd, there wasn't any tactical events we attended, but we did host the New Egypt Military Show and Flea Market. This event was rather rewarding, not only do we get to blow the dust off all our display items, but we interact with the public, especially the kids. Teaching the kids about the sacrifices their fathers and grandfathers made, makes this hobby very satisfying. I would like to thank the New Egypt Elks for having us again, and the people who attended the show for supporting our group and remembering those who served. The website has been updated and went thru a few cosmetic changes. I would like to thank Mr. Chris Lepore for donating his time and talent in constructing the title banner for the home page.

January 2002- The new year has been a very busy year for us so far. We had our Christmas party in which several members attended, and we all had a blast. Also the "Battle of the Bulge" was a really good time. For the first time the 33rd was fielded we did an excellent job, but there is always room for improvement. I would like to thank Mr. Louis Cunningham and Mr. Ed Ryan Jr. for their donations to the 33rd SCB Reenactors. Pictures section has been updated with pictures from the Bulge. We also now have 14 paid members. Not bad for just four months of being around. Keep up the good work 33rd

December 2001- The Executive committee was chosen at the meeting in November, and the unit fund has been established and is slowly growing. As of now we have 12 paid members and are waiting on a few more unit dues to arrive. Unit treasury and equipment reports are available upon request from members. The "Battle of the Bulge" is fastly approaching, so make sure you have your registration forms in. The deadline is December 7. Also approaching quickly is the unit training at Whitehall on Jan. 5 so if anyone needs gear, let us know. The unit history is taking a little longer then I thought to complete, but it is slowly getting done, please be patient.

November 2001- The Website's Picture section is updated with a few pictures and the Unit History section has the official unit history that has been published by the War Department. The first administrative meeting of the unit was held. At this meeting we elected a president, vice president, treasurer, sergeant at arms, and secretary, also we will began the bylaws process so we can get all the legal stuff out of the way.
The 33rd Signal Construction Battalion Reenactors now have two Jeeps in its arsenal. A 1942 Willys MB nick named "Mug Rug" and a 1945 Willys MB nick named "Jersey Girl". Also, the next New Egypt Militaria show is in the planning stages, and portions of the proceeds will go to the units treasury and to the WWII memorial down in Washington DC

October 2001- The Web site is up and running but still under construction. Also the Egroups e-mail list is up, so if you would like to be on it let me know and I'll put you on. As of now nothing is really going on in the reenacting community. We are in the slow time of year as far as events are concerned. At this point in time we have 6 people on Egroups and we have another 3 recruits who are interested in joining. This is very good taking into account that the web site has been up for 3 days and that the unit is just starting. At this rate we will be up to strength within a few months. MUG RUG's windshield is almost finished so she will be good to go in about a month. The pictures section will be up and finished by next week and it will be updated as each event goes by. Also the Unit History section be finished within the next few weeks.