Historical Photographs 
Historical Photographs
The following pictures are of the 33rd SCB in action from the Battalions Official History, from the webmasters collection, from Mr. Chet Shoop, Mr. Frank Marks, and Mr. Eldon Olin, Mr. Edward Rea, Mr. Clifford Hoffman.
2nd Platoon, Company A, 33rd Signal Construction Battalion in the Philipines
(Webmasters collection)
2nd Platoon, Company B, 33rd Signal Construction Battalion in the Philipines
(Frank Marks Collection)
"Able" Company in England
(Webmasters Collection)
"Baker" Company in England
(Eldon Olin's Collection)
British Ship Andes
(Webmasters Collection)
USS General W.H. Gordon
(US Naval Records)
Pulling Wire
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Putting Poles in the ground.
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Rehabilitating French wire
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Rehabilitating French wire
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Lance pole construction.
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Running wire.
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Tying wire to insulators
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Stuck Truck
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
Tying guy lines to a lance pole.
(Official Signal Corps Photograph)
One of A Co.'s work crews laying wire.
(Webmasters Collection)
Sgt. Carl T. Liedtka performing his duties.
(Webmasters Collection)
Sgt. Carl T. Liedtka and buddy.
(Webmasters Collection)
"Apple Cider" one of A Co.'s CCKW's.
(Webmasters Collection)
Bridge Blown by the Germans.
(Webmasters Collection)
Company A's First Sergeant, Kenneth Pearce and lady friend.
(Webmasters Collection)
Members of the Battalion in training in the states.
(Webmasters Collection)
Work crew at rest.
(Webmasters Collection)
Unknown Soldier hamming it up on the bluffs at Normandy.
(Webmasters Collection)
Soldiers of Company B showing off some of there war booty
L-R Elmer A. Bokamper, Joseph LaBarbera, Charlie Seelenger, Charlie Stewart, Ray Martin
(Eldon Olin's Collection)
"Able" Company's jeeps and drivers.
(Chester Shoop's Collection)
The 33rd Signal Light Construction Battalion HQ in Japan in 1945.
(Chester Shoop's Collection)
Members of the 2nd Platoon Co. A 33rd SCB posing for the camera.
(Chester Shoop's Collection)
One of Co. A's jeeps, named "AD FINEW", armed with an M2 HMG.
(Chester Shoop's Collection)
Company A in formation in southern France,1945.
(Chester Shoop's Collection)
Men of Company B in Rodt, Luxembourg(notice the climbing spikes on the soldier on the right)
(Frank Marks Collection)
Two B Co. Soldiers standing in front of a CCKW nicknamed "Betty"
(Frank Marks Collection)
Breaking for Chow (L to R Eldon Olin, Sgt. Slacker, Charles Stewart)
(Frank Marks Collection)
Wash Time
(Frank Marks Collection)
Member of the Battalion patching a line in on a junction box.
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Getting ready for German planes.
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Sherman Tank moving through to the front(Notice the K-43 Pole Truck on the left).
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Making a Call
(Eldon Olin Collection)
One of the M29 Weasels attached to the 33rd SCB
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Linemen testing a line along a railroad spur in France (Notice the climbing belt)
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Crossing the English Channel
(Eldon Olin Collection)
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Coming ashore in Normandy
(Eldon Olin Collection)
K42 Earth Borer in action during the Louisiana Manuevers
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Pvt. Falzone eating chow while on manuevers
(Eldon Olin Collection)
33rd Signal Construction Battalion supply depot during the Louisiana Maneuvers
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Men of the Battalion training Stateside (Notice the lineman on the right is wearing camofluage pants)
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Doing laundry in France
(Eldon Olin Collection)
The grave of a German Soldier buried by men of Co. B
(Eldon Olin Collection)
(Eldon Olin Collection)
At a crossroads.
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Servicing wire in the Louisiana Maneuver area.
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Red Cross Truck
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Battalion 25 mile march in the Louisiana Maneuver Area
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Conducting work in the winter of 1944 in Belgium
(Eldon Olin Collection)
German Artillery
(Eldon Olin Collection)
Making Crossmembers during the Louisiana Maneuvers(Notice the camo pants on the left)
(Eldon Olin Collection)
K.P. in the Louisiana ManeuverArea.
(Edward Rea Collection)
Ed Rea and buddies in the Louisiana ManeuverArea.
(Edward Rea Collection)
Soldiers of Co. B in the Louisiana ManeuverArea
(Edward Rea Collection)
Louisiana ManeuverArea.
(Edward Rea Collection)
Louisiana ManeuverArea.
(Edward Rea Collection)
Men of Co. B
(Edward Rea Collection)
The Siegfried Line
(Leroy Cox Collection)
Louisiana Maneuver Area
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Digging in during training.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
A Co. Vehicles somewhere in France.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
The 33rd Signal Construction Battalion motorpool in Japan.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Clifford Hoffman's Crew with a local boy
(Les Hoffman Collection)
(L-R) Hoffman, Shiffmaker, Morgan, Diane with Co. A's Guidon
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Les Hoffman with a Kettengrad captured by Co. A, 33rd Signal
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Member of 2nd Platoon Co. A working hard.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
K-43 in Action
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Sign of the 33rd Signal Construction Battalion in Luzon.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Co. A Boys posing behind a pole trailer.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
TSgt Vest typing up some paperwork in Camp Polk, La.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Pup tent row.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
2nd Lt. Cecil and 1st Lt. Rotz at the officers mess.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Inspection in the feild.
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Lt. Wilcox with the Company Guidon
(Les Hoffman Collection)
Company Street
(Les Hoffman Collection)
2nd Platoon Co. A Boys relaxing.
(Les Hoffman Collection)