Unit History
Stateside Training 
Stateside Training
The battalion went through the Mobilization Training Period at Camp McCain, Mississippi, except for the final week and test. Although the unit received the grade of excellent for the period, much valuable time was wasted. As an example, walks for personnel were built and rebuilt four times. As most of the work was done after supper, this meant the men last hours of recreation and study time every night, resulting in going to classes the next day sleepy or ignorant of the subject they were supposed to study the night before. In addition to building walks, a wash rack for vehicles and a fence a half a mile in length were also constructed. Another hindrance to training was officers, with no signal experience, inspecting signal construction and training. It is also recommended that before fillers for the unit arrive, both the cadre officers and NCO's be given atleast two weeks teacher training, and two weeks to plan and draft a training program for the recruits.
After the unit completed the MTP test at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, it was moved to the Louisiana Maneuvers Area where it remained for about ten weeks, engaged in building open wire lines and laying field wire. The training received here was invaluable and should be a prerequisite for all units. The Battalion was again moved to Camp Van Dorn, and completed eleven weeks of the Unit Training Period when Headquarters and B companies were return to the Louisiana Maneuver Area. Company A was sent to Ft. Sam Houston,Texas and then to Ft. Smith, Arkansas, where they rerouted and rebuilt the rifle range open wire lines. Company B was given the mission of laying and maintaining circuits between Army and Corps Headquarters in the maneuver area. All companies completed there jobs successfully and the battalion once again closed at Camp Polk, La. about 1 December 1943 and then moved to Camp Van Dorn, Miss. On 4 December 1943. Here preparations for overseas movement were completed and the unit left for New York Port of Embarkation on 31 January 1944. Departure from the United States was made on 9 February 1944 on the British Ship Andes. After a rough trip across the Atlantic the unit debarked at Liverpool, England and proceeded by rail to Wrexham, Wales. Organizational equipment was drawn here and combat loaded on organic transportation. Training in basic subjects such as, mine detection and clearing, unarmed defense, construction of British Air Line and Spiral Four Cable was given in the four month stay here. Shortly after D-day the 33rd proceeded to Downton, in the southern England concentration Area, and thence to South Hampton, and across the channel by Liberty boat to France. While in the United Kingdom the Commanding Officer left the Battalion because of ill health and was returned to the United States; Major George W. Thompson assumed command.